Loving Life SD WebDevelopment

Hello, my name is Claudio
I am a Web Developer based in San Diego

About Me

Claudio D Salas


I am a Mathematics Educator and aspiring Developer driven by curiosity and passion for learning. I plan to collaborate effectively with colleagues and superiors and gain mentor(s) in the process. My growth mindset will continue to encourage me to take more coding bootcamps to learn new languages and skills. Although at times its frustrating, I do enjoy problem-solving. Something always goes wrong, but its very satifying once the problem is solved. I believe my Math education helped me see the joy in problem-solving. I have a Master in Mathematiacs that above all, showed me how to aproach a difficult problem and attempt to solve it.

Skills & Programming

I believe good communication is very important in this career. Asking for help or giving help is very important. I am fluent in English, Spanish, and Italian. I enjoy talking to people about their Business and personal goals to better understand what they need. I have experience in building Custom Websites using Html, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, Jquery, and a few other programming languages. I am currently working with Ruby on Rails. I also have knowledge of webiste builders like Wix, GoDaddy, and WordPress.


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Web Developer

  • Ruby on Rails
  • Creating Landing Page
  • Wix Static Page
  • Team Collaborator
  • Learn/Reasearch

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Ramona City Unified

Math Teacher

  • August 2016 - June 2022
  • AP Statistics, AB & BC Calculus
  • Build Curriculeum
  • Apply Appropriate Tech

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Grossmont Community College

Math Professor

  • Fall 2017 - Spring 2019
  • Adjuct Math Professor
  • Calculus II, Elem Stats
  • Build Curriculeum
  • Aide in Course SLO's
  • Apply Appropriate Tech

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San Bernardino Unified

Math Teacher

  • August 2011 - August 2016
  • Statistics, IB Calculus
  • Build Curriculeum
  • Apply Appropriate Tech


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Home Business

Don't laught but this was my first project for a local person doing car service from their garage. I created this with one month of learning programming, knowing only Html and CSS.

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Bike Business

Customer choose the website builder. I worked along Customer to make sure they got the most out of their Website Builder subcription which had limited cutomization.

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Alt Healing

Customer already had a subcription to a Website Builder. I was able to get all the customization needed to launch the business online. The subscription had limite customization also.

Coming Soon
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Music Industry

Currently Working on an Application that is robust and will help several aspect of the music industry as envisioned by CEO. Working towards Beta launch.

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Pet Care

This web-app was created for an adventurous kitty. However it can it be applied to any free wandering safe pet. Neighbors can upload pictures to help owner know its whereabouts through out the day..

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Secret Language

An application to send secret messages between friends. No Details yet.

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Chicken and coyote

Thinking of creating a video game on Ruby. The game will be a digital game board of a game I learned as a child when visiting my cousing in Mexico.No details yet.

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I will create an application for a small restaurant business to have customers order and pay without the need of getting in line to order. No details yet.




Contact us to if you interested in taking your business to the next level with a website.
Hablo Espanol
Parlo Italiano

San Diego, CA. 92115